Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Grandma and Grandpa Bingham's Testimonies Written to Jacob

       Dear Jacob,                                                                                                        
 December 10, 2010

                 I was baptized on July 4, 1937 in a swimming pool (Arrowhead Resort) in the small farming community of Benjamin, Utah where I was born.  I was baptized by Edgar C. Lundell and confirmed on the same date by Ivan J. Francom.  Arrowhead was filled by water fom a warm water spring.  The kids all loved to go swimming there throughout the summers.  My baptism was a very important date and each year as I get older, I realize more and more the importance of that special day.

                 The promptings of the Holy Ghost can be different for each person.  Some people receive very strong promptings while others the promptings can be a very wee, small voice. 

                 Let me share a personal experience with you.  Usually the Holy Ghost speaks to me in a small voice and my testimony and love of the gospel has grown in a slow way.  While I was serving as a bishop, I was meeting with the Priests in my office during priesthood meeting.  I had a strong testimony but sometimes I wondered if I could do all the things I needed to do to gain eternal life which is to live forever with our family, Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.  On this particular Sunday, we were reading in Moroni, Chapter 7:45-47.  Verse 47 says, “But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and who so is found possessed of it at the last days, it shall be well with him.”  The Holy Ghost spoke very loudly to me and said, “You can be a charitable person.”  From that day on I felt I could be a charitable person and could gain eternal life.  I have been at peace with that knowledge and my testimony has continued to grow.

                 My testimony of Jesus Christ is strong and grows stronger the older I get.  I know that through the atonement of Jesus Christ, I and all of my family can gain eternal life and be an eternal family forever.        Grandpa Bingham

Dear Jacob                                                                                             
December 10, 2010

                 I was 31 years old, married and had all three children when I was baptized.  I was baptized on April 1, l967 by Gerald Bingham and confirmed April 1, l967 by Gerald Bullock.   I had never known a LDS person until I met Grandpa.  Some wonderful missionaries came to our home and taught me the gospel.  The spirit was very strong from the first meeting and I knew early on that I wanted to be baptized.  I felt that these missionaries had just descended from heaven because of the spirit I felt.  My baptism was a beautiful day and I felt so good and clean afterwards.  It was like I had a new and wonderful life ahead for my family and me.  Once I progressed and was married in the temple, I never looked back or questioned the church in any way.  Since then and through continued growth, I want to be obedient, follow the prophet and am determined to endure to the end.                       

                 When serving a mission with Grandpa in the Philippines Manila Mission, I felt the Holy Ghost with me almost constantly.  It was very hard in the beginning and I had to adjust to the poverty and our living conditions.  I put up a picture of Jesus in our tiny apartment and when I looked at Him and thought of his great sacrifice and all He did for me, I thought my sacrifice of serving a mission in the Philippines was not a sacrifice at all and the least I could do for Him because of my love and gratitude.  Driving in the Philippines is very scary because no one obeys any traffic laws and there are so many jeepneys, tricycles with side cars, people and animals, a few cars and broken down buses all over the road.  A scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants became very important to me and brought me great comfort. 

                 Jesus is talking about the blessings of missionaries in D&C 84:88  “…....For I will go before your face, I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”  I know the Holy Ghost was with me to help me in whatever situation I was in and His angels were around me to protect me and bear me up as I was amazed how I did things I could not have done without His help.

                 I know Jesus is the Christ and this is His church.  I love it with all my heart like I do my family.         Grandma Bingham 


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